# allow valid crawlers User-agent: Adsbot # Google Ads User-agent: Googlebot # Google search User-agent: bingbot # Microsoft bing User-agent: Twitterbot # Twitterbot User-agent: Facebot # Facebook User-agent: Applebot # Apple Disallow: Disallow: /users/get_ajax_forgot Disallow: */trade_offers/ajax_send_mail_to_unclear_user/ Disallow: */products/get_favorited_users_popup/ Disallow: */products/get_premium_item_popup/ Disallow: /category/clothing?filtred=1&category_id=5&parent_category_id=1&browse_category=1&shoe_category_id=2&bag_category_id=3 Disallow: /critical_errors/error500 Disallow: /error404 # a valid crawler does not need the following files Disallow: /assets/ Disallow: /css/ Disallow: /img/ Disallow: /js/ Disallow: /prelist-css/ Disallow: /prelist-img/ Disallow: /svgs/ Disallow: /vendors/ # disallow crawlers which obey the robots protocol # User-agent: * # Disallow: /